This is the centrepiece of our research: a searchable toolkit of activities, lesson plans and resources covering music, English language and spoken word.  It also includes some materials for use in drama lessons.  It is designed for teachers in formal settings as well as artist-educators in cultural organisations.  It is our contribution to effective pedagogical approaches in and between our two subject areas.

We have also included lessons that we have adapted for delivery in a virtual environment.  These lessons have the word 'online' included in their title.

We have assessed the level of our lessons in two ways:

Lesson plans and resources will open in the same tab as the one you are currently using.  In order to open in a new tab, right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' or 'Open link in new window'.

Subject area(s) Age(s) Level(s) Lesson title and plan Keywords Accompanying presentation and resources
Music 11-12 / 12-13 Beginner African drumming African drumming, djembe, dundun, Ghana, West Africa, singing, drumming, Tongolon, Nigeria, Mali, call and response, djeebo

African drumming lesson 1 accompanying teacher presentation

African drumming lesson 2 accompanying teacher presentation

African drumming lesson 3 accompanying teacher presentation

African drumming lesson 4 accompanying teacher presentation 

English language 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 B1, B2 Alien Alien, bullied, bullying Alien accompanying teacher presentation
Music 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 Beginner / Intermediate Create your own body percussion song Body percussion, create, make music, rhythm, pattern

Create your own body percussion song accompanying lesson resource 1

Create your own body percussion song accompanying lesson resource 2

Create your own body percussion song accompanying lesson resource 3

English language 12-13 A1, A2 Describing places with adjectives Adjectives Describing places with adjectives accompanying teacher resource
Music and English Language 15-16 Music: Advanced, though the lesson can be taught to beginner and/or intermediate level students by adapting the language level of the lesson.
English language: A1, A2, B1, B2
Do you know what a soundscape is? Soundscape, landscape, nature sounds, singing, muttering, blowing, whistling Do you know what a soundscape is accompanying teacher presentation
English language 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 B1 ‘Down to Earth’ by Peter Gabriel Analysis, evaluation of an English song, environment, misheard lyrics

Down to Earth accompanying lesson support resource for teachers

Down to Earth accompanying lesson resource (images)

Down to Earth accompanying student worksheet

English language 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 B1, B2 Get connected with nature Nature, heads-up, riddles, guessing, literature, advertisements, adverts

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (rules of the game)

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (answer sheet for students) 

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (answer sheet with solutions - 1)

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (answer sheet with solutions - 2)

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (song resources - 1)

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (song resources - 2)

Get connected with nature accompanying lesson resource (riddles)

Music 11-12 / 12-13 Beginner Graphic score Graphic score, notation, music score, music notation, notating, symbols, score

Graphic score accompanying teacher presentation

Graphic score template for students

Music and English language 17-18 Music: advanced, though the lesson can be taught to beginner and/or intermediate level students by adapting the language level of the Haikus used in the activity.
English language: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Haikus in war times Haikus, poetry, words, voice, sounds, music texture, word painting Haikus in war times accompanying teacher presentation
English language 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 B1, B2, C1, C2 Idioms Idioms, idiomatic expressions, pair work, group work

Idioms accompanying teacher presentation

Idioms accompanying lesson resource - labels (work group 1) and pair work 3 (new sentences)

Idioms accompanying lesson resource - clues for the meaning of idioms (work group 2)

Idioms accompanying lesson resource - definition of idioms (work group 2)

English language and music 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Irony Listening comprehension, Irony, Music, Vocabulary, creative writing

Irony accompanying teacher presentation

Irony accompanying lesson resource

English language 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Meet in the middle - spare time activities Co-operative learning, collaborative learning, meet in the middle, speaking, spare time activities

Meet in the middle - spare time activities accompanying teacher presentation

Meet in the middle - spare time activities accompanying teacher presentation 2

Meet in the middle - spare time activities accompanying lesson resource

Music 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 Intermediate / Advanced Moldova Smetana, Moldova, classical music, painting, listening to music

None required

English language and music 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 A2, B1, B2 Moods and feelings
Moods, feelings, lyrics, poems, Poe, Eminem, Kovacs, writing

Moods and feelings accompanying teacher presentation

Moods and feelings accompanying lesson resource

Music 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 Intermediate Moods in music: creating a mood Describing/creating moods in music, introduction to parameters, analysis, method, working with keyboard, apps

Mood in music: creating a mood detailed lesson outline

Mood in music: creating a mood accompanying teacher presentation

Mood in music: creating a mood accompanying lesson resource


English language  11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 A1, A2 Music and feelings  Feelings, emotions, adjectives

Music and feelings accompanying teacher presentation

Music 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 Beginner / Intermediate Music ensemble performance: xylophone Ensemble, performance, improvisation, riff, structure, differentiation

Music ensemble performance: xylophone accompanying teacher presentation

Music 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 Beginner / Intermediate Music Masterchef Composition, arrangement, soundscape, soundtrack, Foley, group work, group performance, group composition

Music Masterchef accompanying teacher presentation

Music Masterchef accompanying lesson resource

English language 14-15 B1, B2 Nature: poetry doesn't have to be difficult Nature, environment, poetry, acrostic poems

Nature doesn't have to be difficult accompanying lesson resource 1 (nature pictures)

Nature doesn't have to be difficult accompanying lesson resource 2 (acrostic and haiku poem examples)

Nature doesn't have to be difficult accompanying lesson resource 3 (acrostic poems templates)

English language 13-14 / 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 B1, B2 Nature and poems (online) Nature, environment, poems, Mentimeter, Padlet, online

Nature and poems (online) accompanying teacher presentation

English language 14-15 / 15-16 / 16-17 / 17-18 B1, B2, C1, C2 Nature at risk: solutions to global warming Global warming, group discussion, argumentation, vocabulary

Nature at risk: solutions to global warming accompanying teacher presentation

Nature at risk: solutions to global warming accompanying lesson resource

Music 14-15 / 15-16 Intermediate Programme music Describing music, programme music, motif

Programme music accompanying teacher presentation

 Music 11-12 / 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15  Beginner / Intermediate Rhythm train: ensemble and composition performance  Rhythm, ensemble, performance, composition, ostinato, elements of music

Rhythm train: ensemble and composition performance accompanying teacher presentation

English language and drama 14-15 / 15-16  B1, B2, C1  Walking with Shakespeare Verbs of movements, English, Drama, English Literature, Shakespeare, As You Like It, Group work Walking with Shakespeare (offline) accompanying lesson resource 1

Walking with Shakespeare (offline) accompanying lesson resource 1 (answers)

Walking with Shakespeare (offline) accompanying lesson resource 2

Walking with Shakespeare (offline) accompanying lesson resource 2 (answers)

English language and drama 14-15 / 15-16 B1, B2, C1 Walking with Shakespeare (online) Verbs of movements, English, Drama, English Literature, Shakespeare, As You Like It, Group work, Google Classroom, Google Meet, Jamboard

Walking with Shakespeare (offline) accompanying lesson resource

English language and music 12-13 / 13-14 / 14-15 Beginner / Intermediate Word and rhythm: semantic fields Vocabulary, semantic fields, stressing words, rhythm, song writing

Word and rhythm - semantic fields accompanying lesson resource (1)

Word and rhythm - semantic fields accompanying lesson resource (2)


The lesson plans and accompanying resources were developed by teachers across the partnership, a majority of whom speak English as a second or third language.  Users of our toolkit are asked to bear this in mind when using the resources.

Where we have used resources created by other practitioners, we have endeavoured to credit the source.  If we have missed a credit or have mistakenly credited the wrong practitioner, please contact us so that we may correct our mistake.