Disseminating our research

Our aim throughout has been to share our research and outcomes with as wide an audience of practitioners as possible.  On this page you can find the presentations, conference papers and other dissemination tools we have used to share the project and its findings.

BERA 2021

The British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference 2021 provided an opportunity for Richard Harrison, Project Leader, to share the findings of our research with the international education research community.

Watch the conference paper that Richard gave as part of the 2021 conference.


Heidelberg school of education

We met with colleagues from Heidelberg School of Education (HSE) during our visit to Kaiserslautern in February 2020. 

Ulrike Müller then wrote a piece about the project for their 'Hypotheses' academic blogs website (also accessible via the HSE website).

professional development websites

Tempus Közalapítvány, the Hungarian National Agency, has included the project in its best practice list.

Kodolányi János Gimnázium has shared the project via the Hungarian Erasmus+ teachers' Facebook page.

The project is featured on the Hungarian Professional Association of Language Schools (PALS) website and Facebook page, and the Hungarian pages of the Oxford University Press Teachers' Club Online Professional Development and Resources website.

Almby skola has written about the project and toolkit on the Pedagog Örebro website for other educators to read.

LOCAL MEDIA and websites

Kaiserslautern, Germany

The staff research visit to Örebro was covered in Die Rheinpfalz in November 2018.

The staff and student exchange to London in March 2019 was covered in Die Rheinpfalz,

The staff and student exchange to Kaiserslautern in February 2020 was covered in Nachrichten KL and the Wochenblatt Reporter.

Székesfehérvár, Hungary

The project has been shared on the Székesfehérvár website.

The staff research visit to Kodolányi János Gimnázium was featured in FEOL and local television.

Staff from Kodolányi János Gimnázium held a symposium entitled 'Innovate to Create Symposium: European Trends in the field of teaching English and Music', which was featured on Fehérvár Television and on the Székesfehérvár website.


IES Mossèn Alcover has a dedicated page on its website for updates about the project.

Regent High School's newsletter, the Regent Reporter, has profiled the various stages of the project.  Read more in the autumn 2018 (page 4), spring 2019 (page 5), autumn 2019 (page 5), autumn 2020 (page 6) and autumn 2021 (page 7) editions.

Other dissemination opportunities

We have also shared our project as part of:

  • Bertha von Suttner School IGS open day presentation for families finding about about the school.
  • A presentation to the Board of Teachers of Kodolányi János Gimnázium by Marianna Budai.
  • A presentation to the Székesfehérvári Tankerületi Központ (Székesfehérvár educational authority) by Marianna Budai, Kodolányi János Gimnázium, in September 2021.
  • A presentation to the Székesfehérvár Város Önkormányzata (governors of the Székesfehérvár municipality) by Marianna Budai, Kodolányi János Gimnázium, in September 2021.
  • Presentations to the Governing Body's Resources and Partnerships for Learning committee at Regent High School in September 2018, May 2019 and October 2021, and a report for the Full Governing Body in December 2019, by Richard Harrison.  
  • A case study during undergraduate 'Understanding Audiences: Engagement, Education and Development' guest lectures at Birkbeck, University of London, given by Richard Harrison, Regent High School, in February 2019 and March 2020.
  • Referenced in EdExec conference sessions in February 2020, September 2021 and October 2021, by Richard Harrison, Regent High School.
  • Referenced in a guest lecture about partnerships for MA students at the UCL Institute of Education by Richard Harrison, Regent High School, in March 2020.
  • A case study during a Camden STEAM Hub module focusing on impact, by Richard Harrison, Regent High School, in May 2021.  The module was also attended by visitors from Southwark Council.

Further reading:

British Educational Research Association (BERA)

Heidelberg School of Education (HSE)

Heidelberg School of Education 'Hypotheses' academic blog